THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEMINIST EPISTEMOLOGY IN ISLAMIC STUDIES IN INDONESIAN UNIVERSITY A Case Study of Akhwal Syaikhsiyah Study Program of Darussalam Islamic Institute, Ciamis West Java

Halaman :231-259
Tahun : 2009
Penulis : Sumadi
Periview : Khotimatun Hasanah/ AS/V
judul preview: Application of Feminist Thinking In Learning Islam
Tanggal : 10 Januari 2018

In Indonesia gender bias is still Foundation of Islamic studies The study program Ahwal Ayaikhsiyah or well known The program is very close to internalization of gender equality
The feminist perspective in the academic world has not Already very serious by Islamic universities. The patriarchal perspective is still influence the academic atmosphere of the Islamic university. Islam The study used as the basis of Islamic family law studies in the Faculty Sharia, especially Ahwal Syaikhsiyah Study Program, is still on fiqh sources are well established in the Islamic society of Indonesia Women are the object of men. Their position is domestic and social Context, they are half the number of people and their power is below the male numbers The process of developing an academic atmosphere, which is still dominated with a view of the male privilege.
First, the academic atmosphere is dominated by patriarchal ideology This is due to several factors, including Islamic studies in college dominated by a theological perspective. Second, the open factor is the long cultural academic history in Islam study, which is still cited in the Medieval literature (7th-14th bad). This is a time when many parts of the world do not know gender equality and justice Third, strengthen conservative ideology. Strengthening The movement to protect religious purity has mono implications interpretation of the diversity of Islamic perspectives. Trend roles in women, social, political, and cultural, are not is directly proportional to the strengthening of the scientific point of view, whichever is the case using the perspective of equality The time must be seen in the sacred text. However, every text in the world has its own context and history. There should be a dialogue between text and time to create integration, which support each other to create that civilization This program strengthens the position of the man, who is superior to woman.
Understanding the problem, research methodology, and who are not interested in women's sociable social appearance conditions in the community. Therefore, there is gender bias in academia The atmosphere at the Islamic university. This study depends on experience Study Program Ahwal Syaikhsiyah Institute Islamic Darussalam (IAID), Ciamis, starting from gender discourse, research process, and research results in a feminist perspective.
The roots of the development of feminist epistemology in Islam Learn Part of Islamic study
Based on Islamic beliefs is that religion Serious attention to free women, who is oppressed, since then it is propagated by Prophet Muhammad. (Requires fiqh daurah data from woman). However, it can not be denied academically, gender converts to Islam religion along with the development of feminist movements in the West. Research conducted by scientists a strong tendency of male domination over women. The academic world Normative knowledge can be used as a religious life orientation, especially about gender relations, broken up or reconstructed and returned to the spirit of Islam, which places the ideology of women's liberation in Indonesia the ideology of the emancipation of human human dignity. In Islam the world, the scientist who championed the feminist perspective in the academic world also supporters to save women
The Development Of Feminist Epistemology In Ahwal Asyaikhsiyah
Learning program Feminist epistemology is the epistemology of social science The assumption is energy Science Therefore, feminist development epistemology as the basis for developing an academic atmosphere, which is can create justice for women, inevitably. The feminist epistemology in Ahwal Asyaikhsiyah's Study IAID Program, Ciamis through various program activities, including.
The establishment of the Women's Studies Center
Women's Studies Center (hereafter abbreviated as PSP) PSP Advocacy is for the rehabilitation of child victims of sexual violence. Study and advocacy of gender equality by several lecturers and students lead to the interests of IAID academics to strengthen the role of the PSP in guiding faculty and courses in feminist development perspective in scientific field specifications.
The Development of Curriculum with Gender Perspective
With care that is being dominated by patriarchal culture, they become normative guidelines for gender inequality. The curriculum is a systematic process of socialization and cultivation
patriarchal ideology in academia
College Course with Gender Perspective
The Syaiksiyah study program uses a feminist perspective in Islamic studies to provide a new perspective in learning. Learning is part of the struggle to realize gender equality and equality. Through learning, socialization and apprenticeship
Development of Lecturer's Capacity
first, sending lecturers to gender training. Second, involving lecturers in the administration of the Center of Women’s Study. By being involved in the administration, the capacity of the lecturers to master feminist perspective in their academic ability improves. Themes on women in work programs and study objects raise awareness of the importance of gender equality. Third, Ahwal Syaikhsiyah Study Program encourages the lecturers to perform researches using feminist epistemology as the basis for developing Islamic sciences.
The Development of Research with Feminist Perspective
The implications are easy students and lecturers in conducting research Theoretically, research with a feminist perspective has several Characteristics, including: first, in favor of / for women. This research intended to show the alignment of women and issues that women live. The research topic is resolved on the moderate. Research methods not separated separately, so any method is capable How to choose which women choose. Research purposes
not about women but for women. The validity of the research is related to Women experience as an indicator of reality. Women's perspective as respondents' own experience is an important part of a study with women's perspective. Second, gender as an analytical tool. Gender is seen as a determinant of women's perceptions and lives, their formation conscience, skills, and build patterns of relationships between men and women The focus of research is a unique problem that is sex, which tends to be oriented towards positivistic approach.
The Long Road to Breaking Patriarchal Academic Structure
The long history of Islamic study based on patriarchal perspective makes developing feminist perspective face various challenges, such as first, older generation more comfortable with dominant ideology so that gender equality is considered against Islamic conventions. Renewal of views focused on feminist perspective is resisted. Established ideology makes changing belief difficult Second, influence of predominant usage of textual approach in curriculum in religious real in Islamic universities in Indonesia. Reinforcement of the importance of adhering to al-Qur’an and Sunah.
The reinforcement of anti-gender equality and equity ideology in Islamic universities and classrooms along with strengthening Islamization movement of campus by carrying jargons of returning to the Islamic lessons of the Qur'an and Hadith. The reinforcement is supported by Islamic community organizations by lecturers and administrators of universities.


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